What Do Marines Fight For?
Marines fight for and defend our freedom, democracy, and lifestyle. United States marine Corp (USMC) is the formal name, not also referred to as United States Marines.
The USMC, an elite branch, is one of the eight branches of the United States uniformed services. Founded in 1775, marines are a part of the US Navy. The members of the Marine Corp are known by two cool nicknames Jarheads and Devil Dogs.
Marines live by the motto “Semper Fidelis” abbreviated “Semper Fi” the Latin term for Always faithful, always loyal.

How To Become A Us Marine?
You can enter the marine corp at two levels. Enlist at the entry level or commissioned as an officer.
First you must qualify to be a marine.
Below are some basic qualifications:
- You must have high school diploma, be a legal resident of the United States of America, physically fit in the ages of 17 and 28 years.
- To be commissioned as an officer, you must hold a bachelor degree from an accredited higher educational institutions in the US, be physically fit in the age range of 20-28 years.
- You must have no criminal history and felony convictions.
- All the prospective candidates must pass the initial strength test (IST). The physical fitness test evaluates your resistance by your ability to do pull-ups or push-ups, crunches or plank pose, and endurance by running for a mile and half.
- Prospective recruits to all entry level positions require to have successfully passed the ASVAB test.

If you are in the high school and aspiring to be enlisted in the USMC, then you must prepare for the ASVAB test. This exam is harder than you think. However, if you prepare for the exam nothing is difficult. You have the option to prepare yourself using self-help guides, or seek help from expert FPLA certified tutors.
A majority of ASVAB test takers started with self help guide-books, but eventually discovered the need of expert ASVAB tutors. No doubt self-guided preparation Is cheap. But Smart people learn from others, because in life you get what you pay for.
If you are wondering what and how to look for a private ASVAB tutors, read excellent guide “How To Select A Tutoring Center.”
An experienced ASVAB test prep tutor will teach you the nuanced test taking skills, time management skills, and boost your self-confidence. ASVAB test prep tutoring companies like Full Potential Learning Academy will have a battery of qualified, experienced and certified tutors who will make the difference in you becoming a “jarhead”.
So, what are you waiting for? Contact us now and get ahead in life. Ready, Set, Go.