Remote Learning Checklist

education series

Trying times brings out the best in us. Ready or not, all the students and educators are forced to transition to online learning mode. The technology to recreate a classroom environment is amazing. The thought of giving up the brick and mortal classroom for a pixelated classroom is unnerving. While the prospects of learning online may sound daunting, it need not be complicated. Many adapt to the online learning environment, others may not. Therefore, when there are no other options, it is necessary to try this new learning method. Have Fun, because this pandemic will end soon.

Ready or Not: Make it work

  • If you have a dedicated Home-Office make the best use of it. If you do not have a dedicated space, have fun creating one.
  • Make and follow a schedule.

Fortunately, the school board has already provided you with a timetable. Just follow it.​

  • Wear the school uniform or a formal dress as though you are going to the school. No PJs or casuals.
  • Seek the co-operation of your family members for an interruption free learning.

Tell your family members you are ‘at school learning’

  • You will be expected to interact with your teachers and fellow students via video and audio
  • Take regular breaks. Walk around the room, fetch water or a light snack.

Workspace And  Essentials

  • Set up a dedicated study area away from distraction.

A study desk with enough room for a computer, printer (optional), Proper lighting, preferably natural light, An ergonomic chair and enough storage space

Your bed, living room couch, and kitchen table are not ideal locations

  • A computer that meets online learning specifications

Current generation computers are equipped with a camera, microphone and a speaker. You do not need any fancy software tools.

  • Ensure you have reliable, high speed Internet access.

Wired connections are more reliable and faster. Everyday browsing takes less internet resources compared to learning online. Therefore, when everyone is coming online to learn expect slow internet speed, intermittent connection, audio, video failures. Remember you are not the only one affected.