Corporate Social Responsibility
We are committed to: providing students with academic support in a welcoming, nonjudgmental, supportive environment with well trained and courteous staff.providing a positive, nurturing, and empowering work environment for all our employees and business partners.
An empty stomach is a recipe for anarchy. FPLA does its part to feed the hungry.
CoViD-19 pandemic has put millions out of jobs. With no income, families have hard choices to make; pay inevitable bills or feed hungry mouths at home. During this crisis, FPLA transitioned to fully online virtual tutoring and continue to keep several tutors on the payroll. FPLA believes that feeding needy families is the greatest service.Keeping up with this philosophy and continuing our tradition of rendering community service in these unusual times, wesupport “Food For Life” charity.Below is the thank you letter from the director of food for life network.

On behalf of the Care Resource Board of Directors, staff, volunteers and especially the clients of Food for Life, we gratefully acknowledge your gift of $500.00. Your support allows us to continue serving as a safety net for the underserved, low-income, uninsured, and underinsured of South Florida.
During this difficult time, your gift means more than ever with more individuals and families finding themselves without a way to pay for food. We provide over 48,000 meals and groceries each year to those in need. This population continues to grow, challenging our ability to meet their needs.
Your gift helps Food for Life Network provide meals and groceries to those in our community living with food insecurity and chronic illness. One grocery bag of food (which contains three meals per day for a week, a total of 21 meals) costs $65. For an additional $5, the groceries are delivered to those unable to pick up. Every donation we receive helps us cover these costs and ensures that anyone who comes to us in need is able to leave the same day with food.
We are so appreciative of your support and generosity right now. We look forward to your future involvement in the good work of Food for Life, Care Resource, and those we serve. For more information, please visit
Additional donation details can be found at the bottom of this email.
Stay safe and healthy, and thank you for thinking of us.
Rafael Jimenez
Director of Social Services and Food for Life Network
FPLA is proud to help feed south Florida

Extraordinary times demand extraordinary steps. Social distancing put in place to slow down the spread of CoViD-19 has put millions of fellow citizens out of jobs. Full Potential Learning Academy (FPLA) is determined to be part of the solution. We have transitioned to virtual tutoring, gainfully employing several of our tutors. Given the unprecedented situation, we are humbled to continue our operations.
Director Dr. Pochi was proud to volunteer at the free food distribution organized by Feeding South Florida in partnership with the town of Miami Lakes. Dr. Pochi helped regulate the traffic and load the produce. Nearly 700 families received corn, okra, onions, watermelons, pineapples, bananas, cucumbers, and more. Dr. Pochi is wearing a handmade and reusable face mask. FPLA is blessed to be part of the solution. Viva America!
Face mask is your first level of defense against CoViD-19
Face mask is the simplest low-tech personal protection tool. Shortage of this basic personal protective equipment is astonishing. So, instead of complaining about the non-availability, my daughter Bhargavi S Pochi stitched face masks. They are not only made in America; these face masks are washable and reusable making them environmentally friendly.

Environmental Responsibility
Full Potential Learning Academy (FPLA) is committed to minimize our impact on the environment. Being a supplementary educational service provider, our daily operations set an example and teach the value of environmental responsibility to our students, parents, vendors, staff and visitors. At FPLA our business practices are optimized to achieve sustainability of our business, our stakeholders, and the environment.
In our business, we have implemented the following environmentally friendly practices.
Source reduction
Computers are set to automatically print double-sided. Where applicable, we use the unused side of the printed papers to take notes, printing rough drafts, office memos and more.
Purchasing recycled materials
The printer/copier papers, napkins, drinking cups, paper towels, etc. that we use have 30% or more post-consumer content. We strive to buy environmentally friendly, energy efficient, carbon neutral products.
Throughout our facility we use energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). At the end of the day we turn off the computers, other electric appliances, and the central air conditioner
The FPLA employee manual describes our ‘environment friendly practices’ policy statement. Compliance to this policy is part of the performance review. When possible, our students use the blank side of the partially used copier papers.
Community Engagement
FPLA is proud to be part of this dynamic community of natural beauty, business vitality, cultural diversity, and more. As the premier supplementary educational service provider, we focus on the success of students and families.

Involvement & Outreach
Our Partners who care
Pembroke Pines Charter School Foundation
We are grateful for our partnership with Pembroke Pines Charter School Foundation in the school year 2018-2019. We appreciate their efforts to support students and teachers to promote their educational growth. We hope to partner with you in future.

Support to local businesses
As a valuable member of the American Express’ shop local movement, we procure stationeries, pantry, cleaning supplies, and other incidentals from the local small business entities. Most of our employees live within five miles of our corporate HQ, thus reducing their carbon foot print. Living in the local community, they spend locally and sustain the local economy. Our infection prevention specialist is a local hard-working mother who makes a living providing her service to the local communities. Local mom & pop eateries cater our corporate events.

FPLA proudly participates in the events organized by the local schools, PTSAs, Colleges, Universities, Youth clubs, Sports, Dance academies, and other non-profit entities that meet our sponsorship requirements and guidelines. Besides the availability of funds, we use a set of criteria to select the organizations that we elect to support. Some of these benchmarks include, the requesting organization’s non-profit status, its mission, academic affiliations, purpose/type, location of the event, and in kind or cash amount requested.
We also consider the specific measurable benefits that will accrue to FPLA, such as publicity through printed materials, newsletters, web links, web banners, web re-directions, radio, TV, social media announcements, emails, signage/logo placements, recommendations, and exposure to key markets. Interested parties may contact us It is our desire to support all worthy proposals, however, we have limited sponsorship money and resources. Therefore, we keep all the sponsorship requests on file and may elect to support on a rotational basis.
FPLA is proud to sponsor Immaculate Conception Catholic School carnival 2019

Full Potential Learning Academy to Celebrate School Choice Week with Open House.

(Jan. 16, 2020) – Local families will gather to celebrate education and learn about local tutoring opportunities at Full Potential Learning Academy’s open house on Saturday, Jan. 25.
The open house will feature a talk by Samuel Hurtado, lead tutor at Full Potential Learning Academy, on “How to go to college debt-free,” as well as remarks by Dannette Aviles, director of admissions, on “Homeschooling and one-on-one tutoring.”
This event is planned to coincide with the history-making celebration of National School Choice Week 2020, which will feature more than 50,000 school choice events across all 50 states.

“ Full Potential Learning Academy is actively involved in community activities to educate parents about school choice, Florida’s scholarship opportunities, and alternative education platforms,” said Subbarayan Pochi, the academy’s director. “We want every child to be equipped with the learning resources they need to succeed. ”
Full Potential Learning Academy is a family owned and operated business that provides one-on-one tutoring for students of all grade levels across the world.
For more information, contact Dannette Aviles at or (305) 826-1896.
As a nonpartisan, nonpolitical public awareness effort, National School Choice Week shines a positive spotlight on effective education options for students, families, and communities around the country. From January 26 through February 1, 2020, more than 50,000 independently-planned events will be held in celebration of the Week. For more information, visit