17 March

FPLA Action Plan for COVID-19 Crisis

2020-06-17T21:46:14-04:00March 17th, 2020|Brain teaser, Decoding, Reading Comprehenion, FPLA Winning Strategies, Fun Facts, Home School, Inspirational Quotes, Math-e-Magics, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT, Summer Jump start, Wordly wonders|

Call it shocking, unbelievable, disgusting, or shameful the fact remains the same. According to the National Science Foundation data, 65% of fourth-graders read below the grade level. Reading is a fundamental skill, needed to learn any other subject including Math.

15 January

Angular Momentum and Acceleration

2020-02-17T01:34:02-04:00January 15th, 2020|Decoding, Reading Comprehenion, FPLA Winning Strategies, Home School|

When someone or something travels in a straight line, it is quite easy to know how far someone has gone in a certain amount of time. But what if they begin moving to the side? What about when they have to turn around a? It can be a simple change, but one that demands a different kind of mathematics to figure out.

27 December

Resolutions for the new semester and ways to accomplish them

2020-02-07T05:54:49-04:00December 27th, 2019|Decoding, Reading Comprehenion, FPLA Winning Strategies, Home School|

The school curriculum is built in such a way, each day builds on the previous learning sessions. Little drops of water make a mighty ocean.Akin to regular physical checkups, periodic assessments give a reality check onthe student’s academic progress.

11 December

Tips To Make Group Tutoring A Success

2019-12-14T04:57:50-04:00December 11th, 2019|Brain teaser, Decoding, Reading Comprehenion, FPLA Winning Strategies, Fun Facts, Home School, Inspirational Quotes, Math-e-Magics, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT, Summer Jump start, Wordly wonders|

Call it shocking, unbelievable, disgusting, or shameful the fact remains the same. According to the National Science Foundation data, 65% of fourth-graders read below the grade level. Reading is a fundamental skill, needed to learn any other subject including Math.

15 October

Economy of Efficiency demystified

2019-12-14T06:35:41-04:00October 15th, 2019|Brain teaser, Fun Facts, Home School, Math-e-Magics, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT|

Look at every appliance, any technology, and many vehicles sold new today, and you’ll hear all sorts of claims about how more efficient that new thing is compared to its older versions. With those claims of better efficiency, you sometimes hear that the new technology will “pay for itself over time.” What does that mean, and how do we calculate that?

1 August

Tutoring helps high achievers as well

2019-12-14T08:04:27-04:00August 1st, 2019|Drumbeats, FPLA Winning Strategies, Home School, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT|

Tutoring helps high achievers as wellAn increase in class size stifles teachers from providing one to one personal attention to students who are falling behind. Typically, high achieving and students who read at or below grade level are assigned to [...]

18 June

Reading keeps ignorance at bay.

2023-12-13T06:30:00-04:00June 18th, 2019|Decoding, Reading Comprehenion, FPLA Winning Strategies, Home School, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT|

Reading keeps ignorance at bay. The shocking truth is that many students do not know how to read a textbook.Unlike some exclusive private schools, there is no one to hand hold and walk a student through the entire course. Students [...]

13 June

College freshman survival guide

2023-12-13T06:27:47-04:00June 13th, 2019|Home School, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT|

FPLA Educational series: College freshman survival guideIf you are a college bound recent HS graduate, you must be looking forward to head off to your dream University and regain control of your life! FREEDOM! With freedom comes responsibility (Eleanor Roosevelt). [...]

10 June

Where physics meets biology: Pigment colors and structural colors

2019-12-19T02:08:16-04:00June 10th, 2019|Brain teaser, Fun Facts, Home School, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT|

Where physics meets biology: Pigment colors and structural colorsYou may be wondering what physics has to do with biology? Well, here I will provide you an example to show the connection between these two branches of science. I will use [...]

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