About Subbarayan Pochi

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So far Subbarayan Pochi has created 103 blog entries.
7 January

Practice tests are effective

2019-12-19T04:48:14-04:00January 7th, 2019|Brain teaser, Decoding, Reading Comprehenion, Drumbeats, Fun Facts, Inspirational Quotes, Math-e-Magics, Summer Jump start, Wordly wonders|

Practice Tests help evaluate subject matter proficiency, hone test-taking strategies and overcome exam day bluesPractice makes perfect. Invariably, all the athletes practice their skills, review their performance, re-strategist and practice again till they reach near perfection. College test preparation is [...]

27 December

Poor 1st Quarter Grades Is A Cry for HELP

2019-12-19T04:53:55-04:00December 27th, 2018|Brain teaser, Drumbeats, Fun Facts, Home School, Inspirational Quotes, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT, Summer Jump start, Wordly wonders|

Poor 1st Quarter Grades Is A Cry for HelpAny weakness in grades this 1st Quarter needs to be addressed NOW!A robust primary education is a foundation for a SUCCESSFUL future. The knowledge gained in the 1st quarter lays the foundation [...]

17 December

When to take SAT-ACT Tests

2019-12-20T05:27:38-04:00December 17th, 2018|FPLA Winning Strategies, SAT, ACT, PERT, HSPT|

When is the best time to take SAT/ACT tests?Love it or hate it: the college admission tests (SAT/ACT) are here to stay.The high school (HS) credits earned during K-12 form the foundations of your college admission criteria. Many students knowingly [...]

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